Sunday, December 26, 2010

Mel Gibson..Why He And Oskana Still May Have A Chance

Mel Gibson born 1 3 1956 needs to get out of the public life and just chill out. This year 2010 is his year to go sit in a hammock and find his purpose in his life. The more he pushes the more out of favor with the public he will be. It is no secret that he has huge emotional issues. This is evidenced by subtracting his first two numbers from each other. If you do this you will get a #2. When you see this look for broken family relationships, lack of emotional connections, and more. Moreover when you look at his lifepath by adding up all his birth numbers you get a 7. Now you have this.  A person who needs privacy and space, and someone who is going to worry about thier health a lot. When you look at him you see a good looking guy, but if were to open him up you would see the opposite. This could easily explain his alcohol issues, and as well as some others that im sure he would like to keep hidden. Oksana Grigorieva birthday is 2 25 1970. Look at the 25. It will equal a #7. This is their connective link. However it is also their disconnect if they dont give each other space. Think of being snowed in in a closet for 6 months. Sooner or later something is going to give and when them it did as witnessed by the restraining order she put out on him this year. And then there was this their daughter was born on 10 30 2009. Mel's is on a 3 day as is his daughters.  And she is in the same yearly cycle as him. In the future she will be the link between him and her. If he could understand and read just these few paragraphs, he could understand that this relationship actually has a rewind button, and actually by the numbers has a real chance at success..esp in 2012..Let's hope he and she can be led to it.

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